Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I can! I can't!

Can't, one of the most destructive words in the English language. All uttering that word does is keep you from accomplishing anything. Like any thought, the moment you even think it, you set into motion; physical, emotional and spiritual energies that will give you just that, can't.

"If you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." - Henry Ford

My Mom (Eleanor Shade) created the following with the lines I can and I can't:

I CAN...I can advance naturally. Basically you are saying that you have faith and are allowing yourself to move along with the cosmic flow of the universe, with grace and ease. It is a statement born of strength and courage.

I CAN'T... I cannot advance naturally today. You are fighting against the current, which is a waste of both time and energy. You are getting nowhere fast and have no hope of advancing. This is a statement born of fear and insecurity.

”Those who say something can't be done should not interrupt those doing it.” - Unknown

So, if you want to advance naturally banish can't from your vocabulary today!

There short and sweet but food for thought. That's all for today.

May you all be blessed always and in all ways!


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