Friday, September 12, 2008

Do you learn from your experiences?

"There is only one thing more painful than learning from experience and that is not learning from experience." - Archibald McLeish

Do you learn from your experiences, both good and bad? In everything we attract into our lives there are lessons and sometimes the worse the experience the more we can learn from it.

Are you open to learning and growing? Or do you look at life as just something you have to go through until you reach death?

What can learned from the loss of a loved one? Perhaps that life is fleeting and we need to make the most of every moment. That the experiences you had with them were something that molded and shaped you to be the person you are today. That you had something to learn from them and something to teach them in return.

What can be learned from reaching a goal that you set? How about that you could do something that you thought was out of reach. That getting out of your "comfort zone" allowed you to grow. That it was not as scary as you thought it would be.

If something does not go as you had hoped, do you think of it as a waste of time or an opportunity to learn and/or grow? If you chose it as an opportunity to learn and/or grow then it is never a waste of time.

Whether the experiences are good or bad, if you have the attitude that you can learn from them all, then you will grow more than you could ever have imagined. Growth is not always easy or fun but as long as you approach it with a positive attitude, one that says everything and everyone I experience is to help me grow and be better than before I had the experience, then your life will be one of wonder and awe as you continue to on your life path towards enlightenment and spiritual growth.

Some food for thought, that is all for today!

May you be blessed always and in all ways!


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Nothing is impossible.

I want to start out tonight with a quote:

"If you want to see something done, just tell some human beings it can't be done. Make it known that it's impossible to fly to the moon, or run 100 meters in 9.9 seconds, or solve Fermat's Last Theorem. Remind the world that no one has ever hit 62 home runs in a season or stuffed 18 people into a Volkswagen. Dangle the undoable in front of the world. Then, consider it done." - Merrill Lynch

What do think is impossible for you to do? Sure, some of us have physical and/or mental limitations but even those folks have shown others that what they were told was impossible, they have accomplished.

Really, since we are Spiritual beings in human form, nothing is impossible. Time amd time again when the word impossible has been floated about, someone, somewhere has proved them wrong.

What are your self-imposed limitations? Believe me it is not your environment, your parents, your stage in life, you upbringing, it is you and only you! All the power of the universe resides inside of each and evry one of us, we just have to tap it. We have to clar out the hurt, bad memories and limiting beliefs and allow room for dinvine inspiration to come in. Then we will have the choice to act upon those inspirations or stay stuck in our old beliefs and paradigms.

So, let's get out of our own way and do the impossible. I'm game, how about you?

That's all for today!

May you be blessed always and in all ways!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Power of Gratitude

Yesterday, my computer modem went out and I was without internet, phones or cable for about 24 hours. Now, I could have lamented the fact that I lost all my technology, after all I do run my business from my house but I try and be grateful for everything in my life, fo it all has a lesson in it.

"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation." - Brian Tracy

So, what did I do with this peaceful repose from technology so as to make it a grateful experience.

Well, first of all, I have a stack of books to read and I took time to finish one and completely read another. They were both by Joe Vitale and if you are in business I would recommend both to get thhings going, keep things going and prosper like never before.

The first one is "There's a Customer Born Every Minute", in which Vitale studies the success principles of the great P.T. Barnum. I found it hard t put down and it is chock full of business wisdom from the master publicity maker.

The other is "Your Internet Cash Machine". Once again Vitale provides practical business ideas, most of which can be implemented immediately and for little to no cost.

I also spent quality time with my wife watching a cute movie, "License to Wed", starring Robin Williams. It is a nice "date" movie!

The other thing I did was spend about forty minutes today in silence. It was inspiring, energizing, relaxing and quite a judicious use of my time. We do not spend nearly enough time in silence. In fact, most of us spend no time there at all and yet it can do so many wonderful things for us.

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity. It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events.
Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow." - Melodic Beattie

Ok, what has this got to do with gratitude. Well, if I was not grateful for the modem breaking then I would not have had these wonderful personal and life growth experiences.

So, the next time something happens that at first looks to be a nuisance and/or inconvenience, be grateful for it and turn it into something fun and worthwhile.

Thats' all for now!

May you be blessed always and in all ways!


Monday, September 8, 2008

You are far more powerful than you think.

You are far more powerful than you think. How do I know this? Because I know each of us has the power to create. I can go as far to say that we have the power to create life. How can you not believe you are powerful when you have the power of creation inside of each and everyone of you?

In his book, "You'll See It When You Believe It: The Way to Your Personal Transformation", Wayne Dyer takes the old adage that "I'll believe it when I see it" and expertly explains that that is quite backwards. You will not see anything until you believe in it. You have to believe it first or it will never come to be. Here is an excerpt from his book that speaks directly to what I am talking about in this post.

Chapter 1, Page 14, Copyright 2001: "Every man-made creation starts with a thought, an idea, a vision, a mental image. The thought is them applied in some way to form a new product. At this moment I am taking my thoughts, applying them to a typewriter and creating a new product called a book. We all go through this process thousands of times every day. The ultimate in becoming a transformed person is seeing ourselves as unlimited by our form."

We quite often feel as if we are victims of circumstances or beneficiaries of luck, but in reality things don't just happen to us. Like a magnet we bring events and people into our lives through our thoughts and beliefs. If we believe we can have something, we will send out an energy that will draw back the people, circumstances and opportunities that will assist us in obtaining our goals, if we believe the opposite, we will create the opposite. You are in control of your own thoughts and that is a power that cannot be taken away. You can however give it away, through blaming others for your circumstances and/or allowing the past to hold you there so that you cannot create the future you want.

"Whenever your thoughts are are on what you don't want, you are creating by default. You are creating deliberately when you are aware of your thoughts and consciously thinking of what you do want." - Eva Gregory Copyright 2002

So, we need to ensure that our thoughts on on what we do want and that we are using our conscious mind to actively create what we do want. Don't fall into the trap of focusing on you do not want, as that will give you more of it.

"The world we have created is a product of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking." - Albert Einstein

We need to take each day and use the power that the universe has given us and create the world we want and deserve.

That's all for today!

May you be blessed always and in all ways!
