Monday, January 12, 2009

Yes, we can all get along!

I have been saying for years that we have the capacity to look past our differences and those things that we use to separate us and just love one another. Here is a wonderful example of just that from the animal world. Check out this video and you will see what I mean. Then come back here and leave a comment.

It does not get much simpler than that. I hope this has stirred some deep seated emotions inside of you and that you would help by sharing this with everyone you know, so you too can be a part of the shift in human consciousness happening around the world at this very moment!

Thank you for taking the time to read and watch the information on my blog today. I would appreciate your help with any comments, feedback and ideas for future blog posts.

May you be blessed always and in all ways!

Author - Rare Sense, One Day It Will Be Common: A Practical Guide to a Fulfilled and Balanced Life