Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Ego vs. Soul

Before I get too deep into this, I will say that both the EGO and SOUL have a purpose or they would not exist. So, utilize each to help you grow and evolve, just understand it is preferable to utilize the soul energy more than you do ego energy. Ego energy is useful should we feel the need to protect ourselves or perhaps exert our authority when necessary.

Anytime time your approach something or someone from your soul, you automatically lead with the energy of love. Especially, if it appears that it will be a challenging situation. That love energy will do wonders in diffusing and uplifting the interaction. Now, of course, we do not control the actions of others, however, we certainly can use that energy to help ourselves be more calm and peaceful, in the middle of it. Remember, it takes two to tango, so if one projects loving energy, it just might help the other as well.

If we come from our egos, then a challenging situation can even escalate further because we are more concerned with not being hurt and what we can get out of the encounter and often how we can prove we are right and they are wrong. It is a much more confrontational type of energy and so does not allow us to see beyond ourselves.

For me EGO = Eliminating Gods Oneness, where SOUL = Seeing Oneness & Undying Love.

Harry Shade