Monday, July 25, 2016

Heart Intelligence

Heart Intelligence – Tapping the Power of the Heart

I do my best to bring forth new ways to help us all live a more fulfilled and balanced life. While reading “Super Achiever Mindsets” by BJ Dohrmann, I came to the section about Heart Intelligence and this wonderful meditation/breathing exercise, one can do to bring their heart intelligence into their decision making process.

Here are the steps:

1. Shut your eyes, place your dominant hand over your heart and allow it to rest there. (You can use both hands if you prefer) and simply repeat, “My mommy and I are one”, while focusing on your breathing. It sounds strange but it works.

2. Complete ten rounds of measured breathing and place your calmer thoughts on the single focus of the decision of the moment.

3. As you consider your decision, move from your head totally into your heart under your hands and simply suggest, “So, what do you think?”

4. Be quiet and repeat in spaced intervals, “Tell me” and relax and let your mind go blank.

5. The answer does not always come right away, so complete the process by saying, “So, tell me when you are ready.” and let it go.

The rule of the heart is that the answer always WILL come and it won’t take long. The more frequently you involve “whole being decision making”, the less time the answers take to reach the CPU mainframe (the brain). The CPU mainframe recognizes the heart answer as WOW.

6. When the answer comes, remember to touch your heart area and sincerely say “Thank you.”

You’ll begin to feel the power of this new behavior as you apply it.

So, there you go, another way to bring your entire being into play in support of your life. You can learn more about Heart Intelligence and the research being done on this subject at

Let me know how this works for you.

May you be blessed always and in all ways!
