Monday, May 26, 2008

We are one or are we?

Of course in the spiritual sense we are in fact one but can we achieve this in the human sense?

For anyone that knows me, I will try to keep this short and simple as I feel that is best and allows people to ponder what I have to say without trying to decipher it. So here goes.
Yes, we can be one in the human sense but we have to get rid of or look past all the things we use to seperate one another. In fact seperation is so impervious to our society that this is why I say we need to start here. I mean other than the obvious (race, creed, sex, religion, nationality, sexual orientation) we do it in sometimes more subtle ways, from what teams we cheer for to what is our favorite color. Our society does its darndest to keep us seperate through labeling and membership in organizations. Don't get me wrong that is where our individuality lies but it is not where our humanity lies!

I am going to give everyone a simple and easy way to get us back to one and that is first looking at each other from the basics and that is first and foremost as human beings. Start there and all the seperation simply melts away. There is really nothing else we need to know about one another! If we simply start here we can create a society that values all its members, a society where harmony, balance and peace are the norm. A society that protects and loves all its citizens. A society where judgement, hate and fear is obsolete.

We can continue to use all those things that seperate us and we will continue to have a fractured society but the one fundamental truth will always remain, waiting to be recognized and acted upon. We are all human beings, period!

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