Friday, July 11, 2008

You're Eighteen

Below is a poem I wrote for my daughter's 18th birthday, which is today. I wanted to share it with you all because I felt that it may help others express how they feel about their kids turning 18. Please share this with anyone you feel may help them during this transitional time in their and their children's lives. Of course if it is for a boy, you will want to change the line about "your wings" ;-). Blessings!
You’re Eighteen!

You’re eighteen but what does that mean?
They say you’re an adult but also a teen.
You feel so grown up it’s like a dream.
But where do you go from here, the future is unseen.
Just yesterday you were told what to do.
Now you have to choose what is right for you.
Life is no longer black & white, there are grey hues too.
And it can seem like there is no more support for you.
But take this advice if you dare.
From your dad who really does care.
Life is a journey filled with responsibility to bear.
But there is fun, love and new adventures everywhere.
So spread your wings my girl of eighteen.
Your future is bright and you create the scenes.
I will always help build your self esteem.
And be there when you fulfill your dreams!

With All My Love, your Daddy, July 11, 2008

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