Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The ABC's of Life - Attitude

One of the seminars I give is called The ABC's of Life. Today, I am going to start with Attitude and eventually we will get through the whole "life" alphabet. All the quotes are mine.

Attitude: “Attitude as much as anything else will determine the quality of your life!”

What is your attitude toward life? Yourself? Others? Do you have an attitude of gratitude? Do you face each new day with wonder and anticipation? Do you look for the good in all things? Do you think it is all hopeless? Do you see no point in it all? Do you live in the past? Do you let others determine your life or do you hold the power? Are you actively participating or sitting on the sidelines and wondering why things are not working out?

When you have a good attitude the highs of life will last longer and the lows will be shorter. Yes, even when you have a good attitude there will still be highs and lows. You will seek ways to grow and take on new challenges with enthusiasm and total commitment. When you have a good attitude your "luck" will increase and no matter what happens, you will have the ability to overcome any obstacle. When you have a good attitude, life will be easier and more rewarding. You'll love more and worry less. You will be healthier, happier and face life without fear.

How do you have a good attitude? I could say something rather silly right here and say by just having one. Even though there is truth in that previous statement, it is not very helpful.

You will have a good attitude by being thankful for all that you have, right here, right now. By living in the present and not the past. By making what and where you are at this moment the best it can be. Attitude is a state of mind and grateful people can only have a good attitude. No matter how much or how little you have, if you are grateful for what you do have, then you are on the way to having a good attitude.

When you can look in the mirror and see a worthy, human being, not perfect but worthy, then you will have a good attitude. When you know your true worth, you will have a good attitude. When you can love you for you and accept everything about yourself, you can not help but have a good attitude.

So, do you have a good attitude? If so, great! If not, why not? With all the benefits what is keeping you from having a good attitude?

May you be blessed always and in all ways!

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