Monday, August 18, 2008

Social Networking and What It Has Dome For Me So Far

Today I wanted to give my impression of what social networking has done for me thus far:

1. It has helped to introduce me to some incredilby talented business people.

2. It has also helped me meet some wonderful, loving, sharing and caring people. A majority of them also fall in #1.

3. It has helped me become a better writer and editor.

4. It has opened my eyes to the infinite possibilities that the internet offers.

5. It confirms that this is a world of abundance and that the law of attraction is alive and well,

6. It has reinforced my global view.

7. It has shown me that living outside the box is even more satisying and creative then just thinking outside the box.

8. It continues to open my eyes to new and innovative ways of marketing.

9. It has actually made me want to do even more to help others. Because every time I help one of my "friends", I get that wonderful rush and I want to do it again and again.

10. Finally, it has shown me that it is OK to make money while helping others.

I know that I have not even scratched the surface of social network marketing but I am open to learn as much as I can so I can help as many people as I can through my products and services. And for this I am eternally grateful!

May you be blessed always and in all ways!


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