Saturday, September 6, 2008


It is hard to pick up any magazine, read any newspaper or surf the internet without someone talking about simplfying our lives. What I find a little ironic about it for me is that I have lived my life as simply as possible for as long as I can remember.

When I wrote my book "Rare Sense; One Day It Will Be Common" , I wrote it to be a simple guide to living a fulfilled and balanced life. To me life is nothing if not simple, if you look at it at it's basic level. If you read "Conversation With God" by Neale Donald Walsch, it is loaded with simple ideas on how to live your life. If you read the Bible, God broke it down to 10 simple commandments, all the rest is just filler and reminders. Buddha encouraged simple living in his teachings. The Native American Medicine Men & Women taught their spiritual ideas through simple stories and lessons.

Life is simple, we make it complicated with the weight of all the stuff we pile onto ourselves. The guilt, the fear, the hurt, the anger, the worry and the past.

Here are some suggestions on how to simplfy your life:

1. Get organized.
2. Get rid of clutter.
3. Approach everyday with an attitude of gratitude.
4. Approach everything from a position of love.
5. Set goals.

That's it. Simple! Start with those things and in no time, you will see how simple life can be.

May you be blessed always and in all ways!


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