Monday, December 15, 2008

Dedication, Desire, Drive

Today while driving to the grocery store I observed two people out jogging. Now the sight of two people out for a morning jog is normally nothing to write about. I mean around the world today there was perhaps millions of people out jogging this morning. So, what made it so special about these two that I should take time to write about it. And why did I include the picture to the right.

It was the circumstances under which they were running. Your see in Central Ohio, it is mid-December, so the weather is not usually really cooperative with outside running and today it was especially challenging. It was about 35 degrees and raining. If you ever experienced running in a cold rain, you will understand that it really is miserable. The rain soaks your clothes making them heavier and heavier and no matter what, your ankles and face get some exposure to the water and cold. Your feet get wet and the cold settles into your bones. And the guy in the picture is obviously challenging himself by running where he is at, higher elevation, bad terrain and he looks dressed for cold weather at the least.

Now, some of you may be saying that these people were nuts for jogging in this kind of weather or across those mountains and that terrain. Couldn't they just have run on a treadmill inside where it was warm? Well, if they have a treadmill then the answer would be yes. If not, then that was not an option. OK, then what about just taking the day off? Again, a possibility but they chose not do so. And why do you think they chose to run in these conditions?

Well, here are my thoughts on this.

First of all, anyone who has ever wanted to accomplish anything knows that there are are obstacles and challenges to overcome. And sometimes it is those very obstacles and challenges that they seek to overcome that make the journey to the goal more worthwhile.

Facing adversity in life and overcoming it makes you stronger, builds character and gives you confidence. Sure it is nice when, from time to time, things come a little easier but after you finished that run in the cold and rain, you feel more alive than ever because you not only made your goal for the day but you did so under adverse conditions. You did not give in to the fear, doubt or challenge but faced it head on. Talk about an adrenaline rush!

Secondly, if you want to succeed or accomplish anything in life you must apply the three Ds; dedication, desire and drive.

Combine these three feelings and you will never quit, never give up and even when defeat is eminent, you will find the victory in the defeat. When the goal will not be reached, you will find the positive in the negative. When the outcome will be less than desirable, you will find the joy in the sorrow. When you just "did it anyway", you will appreciate the journey!

You see these three obviously had some goal they were trying to reach so they were applying the three Ds on this day. And no matter what, they were going to accomplish what they set out to do. No, cold, no rain, no bad terrain, nothing was stopping them from doing what they needed to do this day to work towards their goal. Do you think these three will reach their goals? More than likely yes for they have already shown they have the dedication, desire and drive to do so.
Here is my definition on those three Ds:

1. Dedication: The feeling that no matter what you will work as hard as you can to see something through to the end.

2. Desire: A feeling deep in your soul that there is something you wish to accomplish or attain.

3. Drive: The internal feeling that fuels you when things get the toughest.

So, what goals are you trying to attain? Are you applying the three Ds or are you giving in to fear and doubt? Do you shrink away from challenges or meet them head on?

Thanks for reading my blog today. I hope I was able to provide you with something that you can use to better your life. Please feel free to share a comment, story, and/or provide any suggestions for topics for future posts.

May you be blessed always and in all ways!


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