Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I Choose To Be Positive

I often get asked, you are always so positive has anything really bad ever happened in your life?

My answer, of course it has; I have been divorced twice, I have been and currently am not financially sound , my father passed away suddenly several years ago, I have witnessed the worst that human beings can do to each other in my law enforcement career; I have had a baby die in my arms as the result of a drunk driver and if not for the kindness and compassion of friends, I could even have been homeless.

Now, I am not "always" positive but that is what I choose to put out in the world. I have my moments when I am angry, frustrated or sad. I do not ignore such feelings nor bury them, I feel them and allow them to come.

One difference between me and others who perhaps do not see the positivity in things is that I choose to be positive and see the positive. I also choose not to put judgement on things, like this was a "bad" and that was a "good". Or that was "right" and that was "wrong". Or that was a "mistake".

I do my best to be humble and grateful. I do my best to be kind, caring and compassionate. I do my best to use that which does not serve me to continue to discover what does.

I have grown and evolved to the point where those type of judgements simply do not serve me or allow me to live a life of joy. So, I see all things as blessings because they all have both laid the foundation for my life and continue to allow me to grow and evolve.

Do I consider myself better than anyone else? No!

I do however strive to be a better version of myself than I was the day before. I continue to do my best to take personal responsibility for everything because even though I do not control everything everyone else does, I have control over how I react to it and what actions I will take because of it.

Did all this happen overnight? Not so much! :-)

I am who I am today because of many years of experience and I am not done growing and evolving yet. I still have much work to do on me. I can still be stubborn or obstinate, and yet even that serves me, if I allow it to do so. If in no other way than to remind me that I have more work to do. Of course one could always look on the "positive" side and say that I am actually persistent and determined. ;-)

One thing that I do know, is that I have the power of choice and like any power, it comes with personal responsibility. And so, while "bad" things do happen, I have done much deep personal work that allows me to choose to see the positive in them.

I choose to continue to project that positivity to the world for two reasons. First and foremost because that is the energy and space I love to live in and secondly, because if by doing so, I can brighten up or help even one person be better themselves in that moment, then I feel I am contributing in a positive way.

When I look back on my life, it brings a huge smile to my face because there have definitely been a gazillion more positive things that have happened in my life than negative and even the negative has had a profoundly positive impact.I know that if you chose to look at your life, I dare say that for a majority of you, you can say the same.

So, just because I project positivity in every moment I can, it does not mean that "negativity" has not touched my life. It just means, I have chosen to see the "positivity" in it.

May you be blessed always and in all ways! 


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