Wednesday, May 25, 2016

We Are Our Own Worst Obstacles To Happiness

"No power on earth can impede your progress as surely and implacably as you can." - Colin Turner

When it comes to achieving things in life, in fulfilling our dreams, in having what we say we want in life, we sometimes need to ask some really deep, probing questions of ourselves.  Because anything we want to be, do or have comes directly out of our words thoughts and actions.

Unfortunately, too many of us play the blame game, not understanding that the one truly to "blame", the one truly responsible is staring back at us from the mirror.  Sure, it is much easier to play the "blame game", however, it does not deliver anything but the same results.

Going deep into our own self is much more challenging because we have nowhere to hide and no one to blame.  Like anything else, the more you do it, the easier it becomes and the less we even have any desire to play the "blame game".  This is where true freedom and power lie.  This is where we are more joyous, more peaceful, more harmonious, more attracting of the positive things in life.

Some simple things to do right now to help on this journey.

1. Be more grateful, especially for those things we all take for granted.
2. Be more forgiving, as this sets us free.
3. Be more loving, for love is the most powerful force in the Universe.
4. Be more happy, for happiness starts within.
5. Be more aware that everything is a blessing.

Finally, here are some questions to get you started on your new journey towards true freedom!

What am I doing to inhibit my growth?

What am I doing to keep myself from moving forward?

What am I doing to sabotage my dreams?

What am I thinking to inhibit my growth?

What am I thinking to keep myself from moving forward?

What am I thinking to sabotage my dreams?

What actions am I taking to inhibit my growth?

What actions am I taking to keep myself from moving forward?

What actions am I taking to sabotage my dreams?

And not only what, but why?

Why am I inhibiting my own growth?

Why am I keeping myself from moving forward?

Why am I sabotaging my dreams?

We say we want a better life, more money, a new career, more education, a relationship, to be married and on and on and on. And yet it is not happening. Why?

Well first of all, just saying it will not make it come to pass.

A lot of people bash the Law if Attraction because they say things like:

"Well, I prayed and prayed for that new job but nothing happened! "

OK, did you do more than just pray? Did you actually apply for a new job? And what was your mind set when you applied? Was it, I am going to get this job or was it I don't know why I am doing this? I'll never get this job? Now, that's your conscious thoughts but what was going on in your subconscious? How do you really feel about you? Do you think you are worthy?

We all have work to do to be a better version of ourselves than we were yesterday, if that is what we choose.  Growth and evolution are an ongoing process, leading to higher truths and more freedom.  Leading to unconditional love for ourselves and others. And, if we want to be, do and have all that we can, a necessary journey.

Otherwise, we simply become stagnant and slowly fade away.

I don't know about you but for me, when I leave this body and transition, I want to do so with no regrets, knowing I gave my all and grew and evolved to the highest level.

#raresense #harryshade #baldguynamedharry

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