Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spiritual or Religious

OK, now for my first post on something spiritual!

First of all keep in mind that I am giving my beliefs and/or opinions here. You may or may not agree with me and that is OK. I am not here to judge anyone and their thoughts/beliefs and that is one way that I believe that I am being spiritual. To me being spiritual means the following:

1. Having a direct and personal relationship with the universe or if you will God, Allah, etc.

2. Taking responsibility for your own spiritual growth.

3. Acceptance and tolerance for other people’s views.

4. Not attempting to convert anyone to your way of thinking.

5. Sharing your thoughts on things in a nonthreatening, nonjudgmental way.

6. Knowing that we are not perfect in this human form. I believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience!

7. Not following any specific religious philosophy but taking the time to try and understand the different religious viewpoints. I have read just about every major religious text currently out there and have discovered that they are all based upon the same principle and that is LOVE!

8. Keeping to my philosophy in one simple statement, "I do not care what you call yourself, just love one another!" It is not the label I am interested in but rather simply in how you treat both yourself and others.

9. Living my life from a position of love not fear.

10. Knowing that I am a compassionate, limitless being, capable of great things and that I am creating my experiences on this earth through my thoughts and actions!

I believe that people who say they are religious still need someone else to either guide them or to who they can look to to forgive them of their "sins". They need a more structured approach with all the ceremony and traditions of a religion and that is OK, as long as they are giving and sharing love and not judging and/or condeming others for their beliefs. I believe that religion is man made and spirituality is a direct connection to the source.

That are my thoughts on this subject. Whether you agree with me or not I would love to hear what you think and will neither judge nor condem you for taking the time to share!

Make it a blessed life! Namaste!

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