Wednesday, October 15, 2008

11 Things to Help You On Your Life Path

Yes, 11 things, not 10, not 9, but 11. I could have easily made it 10 but 11 just feels right and it is a power number for all you numerologists out there. OK, here goes.

1. Find your passion: What gives you the warm and fuzzies? What do you love to do? Several recent studies have said that upwards of 80% of people do not like what they do for a living. I would say that they either do not know what their passions is or they have not been able to find a way to turn it into a career.

Since, there are 20% of the people who are happy with their jobs more than likely they are passionate about what they do. So, if they can do it, why not you? I suggest two things, get the book "The Passion Test" by Janet and Chris Attwood and step through your fears.

2. Get healthy: Whatever you need to do or can do to be healthier, do it! Today, not tomorrow, today. You know what it is you need to do, so start doing it. No more excuses! Do it now.

3. Serve others: If you are currently doing something to be of service to others, skip to #4. If not, make the time and find a way to serve. You will get more out of it than you give, trust me I know!

4. Try something new: Get out of your boring day to day routine and try something new. It can be new food, new clothes, new hair style, anything. One way you know that you are living life to the fullest is in your experiences. When was the last time you tried something, anything new? If it took you more than 2 seconds to answer that question then it has been too long! Do you know how many different cuisines there are in the world. Tonight, get on the Internet and try a new recipe or restaurant. You'll be glad you did!

5. Get your financial house in order: This one does not require a long explanation why this is important. Finances are the one area in life that causes the most stress, fear, anxiety and relationship issues. So, do something about it and do it now.

6. Learn new stuff: You could say that this goes along with "try something new" but it is actually different. What I mean here is read some books on your career field, watch some interesting shows on the such channels as Discovery, History and National Geographic or take a continuing education course on a subject you know nothing about. It will expand your horizons, your brain cells and possibly your ability to be promoted at work.

7. Get away: Go somewhere, anywhere where you can just get away. Take some time to unwind and recharge. If money is an issue, take a day trip to a State Park or a ride through the country. Go to a festival or visit a themed area, like Amish country, here in Ohio. Whatever you do, just make time to get away! This will definitely help with #2.

8. Get your sleep: You would have to be living under a rock to not of heard about all the studies concerning lack of sleep. It is one of the biggest health issues facing us today. This negatively effects your immune system, your energy level and your ability to focus. Sleep allows you body to regenerate, heal itself and reduces stress. So make sure you are getting enough sleep.

9. Drink your milk: Milk is one of the wonders of nature. 8 ounces of skim milk provides 8 grams of protein for building lean muscle, has only 90 calories and provides many other nutrients and vitamins vital to a healthy body. It has even been shown to help with weight loss by providing everything body needs to help recover from exercise. In fact, there is a weight loss campaign called 24 in 24, 24 ounces of milk in 24 hours. Now, if you do not like skim milk, my wife calls it scared water, then 1% only has 10 calories more and all the same benefits. For those who are lactose intolerant, there are lactose free products, such as Lactaid. For you soy milk drinkers, you may find there are more calories but they also offer skim or fat free varieties.

10. Find a hobby: Doing something simply for the fun of it helps make our lives full. Whether it is scrap booking, photography, puzzles, you name it, having something that interests you and occupies your mind is a great way to spend time. This allows you to focus on other things, which provides time for your body to decompress from the day to day things. It also allows you the opportunity to go into solitude, which is highly important to your physical, mental and spiritual well being.

11. Keep a journal: Keeping a journal is a great way to get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper, or perhaps typing into a computer. It allows you the opportunity to review the day and just check in with your inner self to see how things are going. In this hectic world, we often times neglect what going on inside of us, since we are so preoccupied with everything outside of us. Now, this can be a regular journal, where you put down everything and anything or more specific like a Daily Gratitude Journal. Many people I connect with say that they find it works best for them to journal at night just before they go to bed. I happen to journal throughout the day through my blog, other writing, Twitter and in a discussion group where we list at least three things we are grateful for each day. No matter how or when it is very helpful and enlightening.

I realize that I gave you things but not the how or where to look for information. Well, that's because I presume you know where to look. If you are reading this blog then you are on the Internet, start there! I am sure you will have no trouble finding things for each category.

OK, that's all for today. Once again, I know that if you start adding some of these things in your life, you will find it more balanced and fulfilling!

May you be blessed always and in all ways!


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