Thursday, October 16, 2008

Know There Is A Way

From time to time I come across articles, stories, poems, etc, that I want to share with you because they are so inspiring, empowering, enlightening and/or uplifting. Today, this one fits all four. This comes from John McIntosh. If you would like to learn more about this beautiful soulful being named John and his spiritual writings please visit this link

When darkness comes and fear fills your heart, Know, there is a way.

When all your dreams come crashing down, Know, there is a way.

When friends cannot be found and there is no one to comfort you, Know, there is a way.

When you are ready to lay down and quit, Know, there is a way.

To know is to find the way.

Knowing cannot be found out there.

Knowing is found in the silence of surrender within.

The way is within.

John McIntosh ~Teach (BE) Only Love~
Copyright 2008 John & Ananda McIntosh

Now, I would like to share an excerpt from Chapter One: Know of my book; Rare Sense, One Day It Will Be Common: A Practical Guide to a Fulfilled and Balanced Life, Copyright 2008 Harry Shade.

Next, we come into knowing and when we reach this level the whole universe opens up to us. We say “Aha” a lot! Nothing is impossible. We have a total sense of peace & well being. It is quite clear who we really are, a spiritual being in human form. We now live for the moment and make a life instead of a living. We know that we are responsible for all of it. We are creating life anew, every moment of every day. We know that we make the choices that control our destiny. We are our future.

We understand the perfection of it all, how everything is interconnected,
interdependent, and inseparable. In other words it is all one within itself. There is no separation. Everything is a necessary part of the whole and that whole is God expressing itself.

As John so eloquently said, Knowing is found within. So, go within and you will find the true you and you will know, then, who you really are and that all your answers can be found there.

I will leave you with this quote:

“Know, first, who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly.” - Epictetus

That's all for today.

May you be blessed always and in all ways!


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