Friday, February 27, 2009

What are you going to do?

There has been a story circulating recently about a "good samaritan" who was cited by the Colorado State Police for jaywalking, even though, he was doing a good deed for an elderly woman. And to top it off, the "good samaritan" was severly injured during the incident.

Fortunately, common sense has finally prevailed and the citation was voided.

However, it begs the question. Would you have helped in this situation? Or would you have had to think about it because you might get cited for jaywalking?

I have to say that I believe that most people, when seeing the opportunity to help another, would do it without thinking about it. In fact, the "good samaritan" despite his injuries and receiving the citation has said that he would do it all over again.

It is that spirit of human compassion and kindness that we all need to be tapping into right now. It is things like that, which will see us through this down cycle in our economy. It is our hope, our belief, our knowing that everything will be fine in the future that will help us create a brighter future for ourselves.

We need all the "good samaritans" of the world to continue to step forward and show us that love, kindness, joy and peace are not just wonderful thoughts but the way we should be living. If one person can prosper during this time than we all can because what any of us can do, we all can do.

So, what would you do? Or better yet, what are you doing? Are you like the good samaritan that would risk it all for the sake of another? Or are you content to listen to the fear mongers and naysayers and allow them to have the power, that you have given them, to control your life?

It is up to each and every one of us to use the power that the universe has bestowed upon us to make this world a better place for us and future generations to come. Starting this very moment, we can choose peace over war, love over hate, courage over fear, prosperity over poverty, abundance over lack, joy over sorrow and health over disease.

This is our time to step up and create a world that we want, need and deserve to live in. It is time to set aside what divides us and focus on what brings us together.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog to day. You bless me with your presence. As always, feel free to share you thoughts, comments and ideas.

May you have all the love, peace, joy, good health and prosperity, in abundance, forevermore.

Harry Shade - Author
"Rare Sense, One Day It Will Be common: A Practical Guide to a Fulfilled and Balanced Life"


Prayerworks said...

A very sensitive commentary Harry. A gentle and persuasive perspective on how we can change what we choose. namaste, pierre

MistrTim said...
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MistrTim said...

Thanks Harry,
It's especially important in these difficult days to find ways to help others when we see them in trouble. I might add however, that when I'm going out of my way to assist or crossing the road, I should take care to look both ways (and I mean that literally AND figuratively)
I have to be protective of myself in helping others, because so many depend on me already. I can't help anyone if by helping another I am disabled or worse, that my ability to help is taken away.
By all means help others, but "look both ways" and consider the personal effects as well.

Harry Shade said...

Pierre and Mister Tim,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

I have to agree that in helping others we definitely have to ensure we also take care of ourself or we will not be there to help anyone else.

