Saturday, July 2, 2016

How Are You Handling Adversity?

Let's face it, at one time or another we have all faced adversity in our lives. Sometimes I have handled it well, others times, not so much.

I do have to say that as I have matured, I have done a better job of it. I allow myself to get into a funk, less and less and when I do get down there, I find it tends to last less amount of time, is less intense and I tend to bounce back quicker.

And quite often, the very thing I need to help me get out of it, comes to me from the Universe in the form of a video, quote, article, song, etc.

So, when faced with adversity, these are some of the questions I ask myself, right after I scream and yell at the ;-)

What can I learn from this?

How can this help me grow and evolve?

What are the blessings?

What are the opportunities?

How am I feeling right at this moment?

How can I use faith and courage to overcome the fear?

May you be blessed always and in all ways!

Harry Shade

#raresense #harryshade #baldguynamedharry

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