Friday, August 1, 2008

More Rare Sense Random Thoughts

In today's issue of Rare Sense Random Thoughts, I ask the following:

Why do we find it necessary to judge others? Do we do it because we think we are superior? Do we do it because we feel inadequate and use it to make our selves feel better? Does putting someone else down really make us feel superior? We don't like when others judge us, so why do we do it to them?

And in a twist on this, why do we judge ourselves? Why do we put that negativity inward, I mean it's bad enough that we judge others and release that poison on them but then we also do it to ourselves!

Here's another way of looking at it. Would we be friends with someone if they talked to us the way that we talk to ourselves? Did you ever catch yourself calling yourself, stupid or say things like, I hate myself. How about, I hate the way I look.

I mean self evaluation is a good thing. It keeps us growing and wanting to get better. As a matter of fact, it is absolutely necessary to our growth but it should not be negative. Positive yes! Negative NOOOOOO! We all have things we need to work on. However, we need to work on them in a positive way.

Also, when we are working with others, we can give constructive criticism without judging. In fact, constructive criticism is also another important way that we grow for we cannot always see things that we need to work on, as well as others. You know the whole "can't see the forest for the trees" thing.

So, how do we get past the judging aspect of this whole thing? Let's try this shall we?

First of all, when someone is presenting us with the truth, aka constructive criticism, we need to recognize that they are trying to help us. If we start there then we are less apt to go into the whole, "You are judging me thing". Yes, even if it may seem as it is coming off as being judgemental, if we look at it from a positive viewpoint, it will be positive. Remember we control how we react to things, that keeps the power with us!

Now, when providing the truth to others, please due it in the most loving caring way possible. You know, do unto others!

Now, a couple more questions I know I will get from this post. How do you know when it is the truth? And, how can you be sure they will recognize it? If you doing self-talk, it's easy, you'll just know. Your gut will tell you. When dealing with others, you can't be sure they will get it but if you feel it, once again in the gut, you'll know and that is all that matters.

This has been another issue of Rare Sense Random Thoughts. It is my goal to get everyone (that would include me too) to ponder (I like that word!) and be better tomorrow than we are today.

May you be blessed always and in all ways.

Harry Shade
Author - Rare Sense, One Day It Will Be Common: A Practical Guide to a Fulfilled and Balanced Life (Boy, my next book really needs a shorter title)

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